Monday, August 31, 2015

5 Fun Facts!

Let's be quick because it's Sunday night at 9:30, I have to get up at 4:30 and go running, and I still have to message out to my parents for this upcoming week AND kind of work on my classroom website... you see, it's kind of a HOT mess! It's week #4 at school, and I haven't ACTUALLY posted nothing.. nada!.. on there. Shame on me! I'm at least wanting to link up the links to our vocabulary this week. So, here we go... 5 Things!

 I'm an introvert... can you believe it? It's totally true! I love quiet (at home but not in my classroom... go figure) and would rather have time alone. Sometimes I don't even really like to talk to others.. LOL! The bad thing is, my husband is the TOTAL opposite. He's very outgoing and enjoys conversation. Sometimes it's a challenge for him to relate to me!
 I hated school when I was younger. There, I said it! I absolutely hated school and had no desire to be a teacher. Sure, I played school when I was little, but I didn't decide to become a teacher until AFTER I had already started college!
I love to shop... anything! It doesn't even have to be for me! I love to shop for my kids, my husband, my sisters, my students... whoever! AND... it's even better when the money isn't mine.. LOL!
 Four is for 4... I have been blogging for 4 years! Kind of hard to imagine! During those four years I have went from a 4th grade math guru to a 5th grade ELA nut job. Seriously... I love teaching ELA but sometimes I feel like it is the most challenging subject to teach. Dealing with students who are in 5th grade that read at early 1st grade level is a MAJOR issue!

I LIVE IN A HOUSE WITH ALL BOYS... and I grew up with all sisters... and I truly love it! But... I can't wait until we move into a larger home, and I can have my 'woman' cave! I do love my boys.. and they spoil me which is always kind of nice ;)

Link up with Blog Hoppin' and share your 5 Fun Facts! I'll have to link up when I get home from soccer practice!


  1. I love to shop too! Thanks for linking up!

  2. I'm right there with you on being an introvert! I'm a homebody. Shopping is always even more fun when it's not your money! AND I completely agree that students reading at a 1st grade level in 5th grade is a major problem. We will change this problem! Hope you have a great week!

  3. I grew up with all boys. It is a pleasure and makes me fear having girls myself. :)


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