Friday, September 25, 2015

Organize Your Teaching Resources!

I'm all about making things better for me and more efficient! And let me tell you, I've tried almost everything you can think of when it comes to organizing my curriculum. I just haven't been too good at this...ever!

I've tried file folders... only to have the paper falling out all over the place!

I've tried putting all my resources in binders... only to have so many that I didn't know which one to look through!

I've tried storing everything digitally... but the folders became too overwhelming!

I've tried folders... again! This time in a file cabinet, but I quickly figured out that by standard was not the way to go!
Finally... I came up with a solution that I think is going to work for me! After I created my year-long curriculum/pacing guide, it became clear that I needed something! It's still the binder method, but it's more organized! My first step was to pace out my school year based on my county's curriculum map. When I finished, it looked like this!

I LOVE IT! It's so easy to glance over and see what's coming up. It's also super easy to see exactly what I'm teaching each quarter. If you would like me to upload the template on TpT, please let me know. This idea lead me to my new binder system. So, Quarterly Binders were born!! If you want the cover template, please let me know! You can now download the template in my shop by clicking here.

The first thing I did was go down my pacing guide and create a tab for each skill in reading, LA, and writing. Then, I divided the tabs into 4 different binders.

Then, I went through my go-to resources and pulled out things I *KNOW* I will use and placed them in the correct binder and then tab.

When it's time for planning, I just grab my quarterly binder and find what I want to use. It's sitting right on my table right beside my desk.

It's so easy! Why didn't I think of this like 3 years ago???? What's your favorite way to organize your resources?

Here's an image for pinning!


  1. Can you post your template for your pacing guide on tpt?

  2. I would like to see the template as well. I've tried the same organization tactics as you with little success. Next up...quarterly binders. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I'd love the template also Thank you for sharing!

  4. I would appreciate you sharing your template also. I have tried all those ways too and came up still not happy. I am excited to try this! Thanks!

  5. I am new to 5th (after 22 years in first) and would LOVE to see this resource available in your TPT store.

  6. Please, please, please, make them available! I've been all over the place with my organization and I'm at a point where I am open to new ideas that will streamline my system in a way to make planning easier.

  7. Please do post the templates (both), I could definitely use them! Thanks so much in advance.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Please post the templates

  10. Please post both templates.. Thank you

  11. super cool- I just switched to grades 2, 3, 4 and 5 gifted math.. trying to keep it all organized is killing me. SInce this is my first year, this would be a good time to put what I have used in a binder where I used it.. rather than waiting until a break and then not really remembering! thanks!

  12. Please post, I am a resource teacher and work with K-5th reading and math! I have tried to keep it all organized, but seem to always be looking for something! Thanks!


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