Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

What BIG New Years resolution do you have?  Is there one that you make every year, but have yet to keep it?  Mine is losing weight.  I always say I am going to lose weight and I never do....  Well, I've been on Weight Watchers for 6 days so far.  This is like my third our fourth time trying it, but this time I'm going to do it for real!  I'm already down a pound.  WOHOO!!  If I can ever get back into my gym routine, then I think it will be great.  One I have for my family is to manage our money better.  I have ordered Rick Warren's book and workbook.  I'll have to let you know how I like it and if it changes my life like it has for so many!  Did you notice that my two BIG ones are NOT related to school?  I devote so much time, effort, and passion to teaching that I want to make it a goal to focus more on myself and my family this year.  I'm not saying that I'm going to toss in the towel and forget about teaching.  I'm just going to make an effort to do more for myself (what?) and my boys.  No more staying late and taking time away from the gym and my husband & kids.  No more spending MY money on school stuff (what, again?), and not more devoting every spare second to making things for my classroom.

So, what are some you have?

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