Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Saving as PDF HELP!!!!! I need it ;-)

Okay....  So I am sooo frustrated!  I have the version of word & powerpoint that allow me to save as a .pdf {I am working on a Mac}.  However, when my file is converted, the colors of my fonts, clipart, basically everything is not the same.  A lime green becomes an olive green.  I have now purchased TWO acrobat programs to help with this.  Unfortunately, Acrobat Pro does not allow you to use a word or ppt file to create a pdf.  It is not supported in the Mac version.  I honestly do not know what to do.  I want my colors to stay the way I planned them to be.  Has anyone else had this issue?  If so, how did you fix it?  I would appreciate any help.  AND... I will be returning my Acrobat... I was very unhappy with the lack of supported files.

Hoping for a Miracle,
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Friday, May 25, 2012

Common Core Resources

Hey ya'll!  I recently had someone email me about what I use in my classroom as far as a textbook goes.  Well, to be honest... I don't use them!  Instead, I use activities that I have found, but mostly those that I create myself.  What's great is that once you have the activities planned and made, they are there for the following year.  I referred her to our state education department website {Georgia}.  There are some great resources here!  Our state has gathered a compilation of activities and resources to help teach the CC this year.  You can find them by clicking the link below.  On the right side, you will find a list of grade levels.  Simply click on the + sign beside your grade level and a list of frameworks {activities} will pop up.  These are actually PDF files that have tons of resources for each unit.

Here's another resource {same directions as above} for reading/language arts. Great activities!

I know a lot of you around here teach in Georgia and share the same resource as myself.  However, I was wondering if any of you that teach in a different state have any great CC resources/activities that your state education department has shared with you.  If so, I would love for you to leave a link to your resource in the comments section below.

I look forward to reading and looking at all your resources!  If you think this would work better as a post & linky party, let me know and I will set it up.  I haven't had much luck with getting bloggers to participate.

See ya soon!

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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Common Core "I Can" Statements Wall Set: 4th Grade

Well, I am super excited that summer has officially started because I have so many wonderful things I want to create.  I know I'm crazy, but I love making things for other teachers to use in their classroom.  A few weeks back, I created a CC vocabulary wall set for 4th grade {I am currently working on a 1st grade set}.  I wanted to create a whole package of resources teachers could use to teach the CC.  I just finished up the CC "I Can" statements for 4th grade math and you can find them in my TpT store.  You can also click the preview below.  There are about 80 "I Can" posters that you can use in your classroom.  You can buy this individually, or you can buy the entire Common Core math set which includes the vocabulary cards and the "I Can" statements.  Before the conclusion of summer, I will also include Essential Question posters.  If you buy the set now, you will receive a free updated version once the EQs are complete.  I'm super excited about these because I can't wait to use them in my own classroom!  They are SUPER cute and both sets match!  Go ahead.... check them out!

A combined set... just for you!


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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Simplicity at its Best!

I loved my old blog design, but I was in desperate need of something bright & cheery.  I am waiting on an 'official' design, but I decided to put something together until then.  I like it, and I <3 how simple it is.  I need to create a button & a signature because I honestly do not know how long it will be until I get my 'official' one!

On another note, my kiddos' last day was this past Friday.  It was a fun-filled day with lots of proud mamas and daddies for Honor's Day.  I only have 2 days of post planning {Monday & Tuesday} so I am super excited.  I have already started thinking about next year.  I will have a post coming up about that soon.  Right now, I am trying to work on my TpT 'to do' list.  I feel so honored to have teachers personally ask me to create something for their classrooms.  So far, this is what I have going.  If you interested in having me make something for you, you can email me details.  If you would like to check out some of my work, you can visit my TpT store by clicking the button below.

So far, here's what is on my waiting list...

1st Grade CC Math Vocabulary Cards with Headers
3rd Grade CC Math Vocabulary Cards with Headers
4th Grade Science Vocabulary Cards with Headers
4th Grade CC Language Arts Vocabulary Cards with Headers

I will also be adding 4th Grade CC Math 'I Can' Statement Cards {without clipart} and possibly EQs.  Whew.... I better get busy!

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Saturday, May 5, 2012

Hear All Assessment Winner

Congratulations Judi Cagle!

You are the winner of the Hear All Assessment Recorder.  Please email your address to and Learning Resources will mail your gift to you!

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Thursday, May 3, 2012

Wordle Fun

I just wanted to share my latest wordle creation using the rss feed from my blog... what fun!

I'm not sure what 'amp' is from!  lol

BTW- I love these colors... can anyone make me a custom blog template?  I'm needing fresh {BRIGHT} colors.  I love ALL the colors in this wordle... even the gray!!

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I Appreciate You!

Hi there!  With teacher appreciation approaching, I am teaming up with Teachers Pay Teachers for a fantastic sale!  From May 6-8, you can save 10% by entering code TAD12 as well as 20% off all items in my shop.  If you have been waiting to purchase things from my shop, now is the time!!!  Stock up while the prices are CHEAP!!!

You can visit my store here.  Don't forget to enter code TAD12 at checkout.  You can go ahead and shop, then checkout starting May 6th.  Happy Shopping!!

Speaking of TpT, I have started working on my first grade vocabulary wall set that should be ready in a few weeks.  I know... it takes a while.  But, with 2 kids ages 2 & under, it's a MAD house around here.

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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

HearAll Assessment Recorder & Giveaway


Hi there!  I was contacted by Learning Resources to review one of their products and write a review on my blog.  Not only have I had the joy of using this wonderful instrument in my classroom, but I get to give one away for {FREE}!  This produce retails around $99!!

So,.... I teach 4th grade math twice a day.  I use a guided math model which basically means that while I am working with a small group, my other students are working on other things.  As a busy teacher of 27 students in one class, there is no possible way I can see and hear everything.  The HearAll Assessment Recorder makes assessing students' understanding a breeze.

I was SUPER excited to get my LR box delivered to my door!  I immediately opened it to see the goodies they had sent me!  The HearAll is very light-weight yet seems to be very durable.  The best feature is that NO BATTERIES are required!  How awesome is that?  It comes with an USB cable that connects to your computer and charges the product.  The directions are easy to read and understand.  After playing with for about 10 minutes, I was able to figure out and use all its features.  Another great feature is that it can hold 60+ tracks... no matter how long they are!  When playing the tracks back, the quality of the sound is very good, and it does such a great job of omitting the background noises... amazing!

I used the HearAll for the first time with my students this past week.  They were working on solving division problems.  They were asked to solve the problem and discuss the steps as they were working.  Here are some pictures of the experience.  BTW- The students thought this was awesome!  It was like the new big thing.  Who would have thought that dividing could be so much fun?

Okay, so here's the FUN part!  One lucky winner will win this awesome tool for their classroom.  Here's what you have to do....
a Rafflecopter giveaway

The winner will need to email me their address so Learning Resources can mail their HearAll Assessment Recorder.

Go check out Learning Resources for all their great products!

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