My Go-To Resources for Homework

This format provides daily skills practice for Day #1-#4 with an assessment to go along with it on the back. Each night, my student have to complete the practice for that day. On Fridays, I incorporate the assessment into my assessment day. What I love most about this (besides its organization) is how the focus rotates. Here's what I have noticed. Week #1 focused on reading and reading strategies. Week #2 focused on grammar, and week #3 will focus on writing. It generally rotates in this pattern which I love because I can address all the needs of my students by having practice for all. I would highly recommend this to anyone who is interested in assigning homework in this format.
Reading informational texts and understanding/reading the features of non-fiction text are HUGE in 5th grade. Even though Understanding Informational Text Features is intended for grades 6-8, I use it with my higher-order thinking students as well as small group instruction for my struggling students.
This resource addresses just about every need that a reading teacher has for informational texts. It does a great job of having the students understand how to go about reading text features that may otherwise seem not important.
I'm so thankful that I have the opportunity to add these two resources to my classroom. I am usually very honest about the products I review, and I am being honest when I say that I love these two books!
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