Who? Monday
Hi, y'all! I will be {once I get off work} linking up with Blog Hoppin' for their Teacher Week. Today is Monday which means...
Who am I? That's a good question! :)
First of all, I {LOVE} God and believe he sent his only Son to die for me... enough said!
I am also SUPER crazy about my family. I love them, and they are my entire life. Every minute of my life revolves around them.

I love to cook, and I cook for my family every.single.night. It's exhausting, but I'm hoping my boys will have memories of helping me in the kitchen and will one day search for their future wife by using the qualities I have shown them. Qualities that a wife and mom should have. That is one of my wishes for them.
I have been a consistent runner for over 2 years now. I am currently training for my first half marathon that will go down in October. Please pray for me... no joke!
I believe that running makes me a better person... no joke! I let out so much steam when I'm running. All teachers should take it up to run out the anxiety and frustration of teaching!
I'm a Sunday napper. Every Sunday I take a nap while my boys nap. Unfortunately, I then stay up waaay to late on Sunday nights. Like right now, for instance. I am sitting here at almost midnight with no desire to go to sleep. When 2am rolls around, I'm going to be mad at myself for taking that crazy nap. Just like I am EVERY Sunday!!! LOL
I am a UGA alumni, and I love my UGA Dawgs!
I grew up around Athens, GA and still live there today. It gets a little crazy when students are in town, but I love it!
I am a life-long learner. In my first five years of teaching, I received my master's and specialist degrees. Even though I am currently not in school, I continue to find time to read professional development books to learn new and innovative teaching ideas for my classroom.
I am so very thankful that God spoke to me, I listened, and I love going to work each and every day. The most amazing part is that I get to help change the lives of children every single day.
Lastly, I am not very good at managing my time or organizing my actual life. My classroom is organized and clean, but I am NOT! If you wait, you will notice that I will have a difficult time keeping this blog going during the school year. It's not that I don't want to, I just don't have time! I'm trying to get better at managing my time and not wasting it on Facebook things that don't matter.
So, here's to a year where I prioritize the things that matter to me! This little blog being one of them!
Labels: Teacher Week '14
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