Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Drawing Conclusions: Day 1

Through assessing and listening to my students, I discovered that we still need to brush up on our literary skills. This week, I decided we would start with inferring and drawing conclusions. It was pretty obvious that these students would need something a little different. If the first (hundred) times didn't work, this time wasn't going to either. I decided to incorporate a variety of teaching strategies to hopefully help them understand!

First, we started off with this anchor chart I created. Sorry about the picture quality, I took it with my phone. I'm going to have to remember to bring my camera to my classroom!

Notice the faucet on the anchor chart? Wondering what that means? I used the faucet as an analogy to represent how the trickling water represents how an author gives us information. They don't always give us all the details (a steady water stream), so sometimes we have to use what the author gives us (the text) and what we already know to help us draw conclusions. I told them our conclusion represents the puddle of water that comes together (from the water trickle). Just like the way our schema and what the text says comes together to make meaning for us.

We then quickly reviewed schema.

After we discussed our anchor charts and answered questions, we watched a Pixar short film. The students loved the video and thought it was hilarious! 

As you can see, the kids had their total attention on the short film!

We did a cold watch, warm watch, and a hot watch! Each time we discussed the short film a little further and what our thoughts/conclusions were. During the short film, I had the students reflect on the following questions I had written on the board. Normally, I would have made a handout with the students, but I figured I had planned enough for them! LOL 

I did have a handout they used to record their observations and then their conclusions. I will include it later today for you to use if you would like. 

You can download the handout HERE!
The kids really enjoyed this lesson, and I did, too!

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Friday, March 6, 2015

Favorite Pins Friday

Hey, y'all! I'm back again {finally} for Favorite Pins Friday. To be honest, I haven't had much time to blog or pin for that matter! If I am off work, I'm chasing around two boys! I just love those boys :) They keep me moving!

I have been pinning a lot of clothes lately! My very first Stitch Fix has been scheduled and shipped. It hasn't arrived yet, but I did go online and click on the 'checkout' link to view what I was sent. I know, I know... I can't take surprises!

Have you ever read any of Scholastic's teaching articles? These are absolutely some of the best ideas you can read for PL and take back to your classroom. This particular article talks about completing reading workshop in an intermediate classroom. There are some great ideas here... check it out!

I'm sure I'm not the only one who is trying to get fit. I'm not really concerned about losing weight (although I would like to lose about 10 lbs), but I do want to gain muscle and tone what I have. This pin links to a blog where she gives a lot of knowledge about how to supplement with Advocare products. I regularly use Spark, but I'm excited to add a few more things to hopefully jump start my muscle.

I like this idea of having a folder for each standard. I currently use binders, but these are becoming VERY bulky. Not only are they taking up a ton of room, but they don't look so good on my shelf. I may try this VERY soon!

This is one of my pins for my Stitch Fix stylist. It is probably one of the most because scarves I've seen. I love the colors!

Am I the only one who changes their lesson plan format several times in a school year, or what? First I started off with the EC Teacher Planner. I will never spend the money on one of those again! Writing the same stuff over and over is over rated! I like how she has all her repeated activities typed in, and then leaves space to write in daily lesson plans. I stayed up late last night redoing mine. I'm TIRED of spending sooo much time on lesson plans. I feel like I spend more time worrying about getting all my lesson planning done rather than actually teaching.  

Here's what I came up with! You can download it for FREE, but you will need to download the following fonts. You can even change it around a bit. Please use it if you can, but I don't have time to change anything for you (sorry)!!! All I ask is that you leave a comment below showing some love if you love it and not post it on TpT for sale or free. Please don't pass it off as your own... it's not nice!

OR change them to what you wish :)

Click on the picture below to download :)

Sunday, March 1, 2015

March Currently.. Sat What?

First of all, you are probably wondering if your eyes are deceiving you... is Terri really blogging?? It's so challenging to find a medium between blogging, teaching, and of course being a wife and a mommy to two boys. It's overwhelming, y'all. Not to mention that I'm EXHAUSTED when I get home. This year has been one of the most challenging years ever!  I have never.in.my.life had such unmotivated students. Let's save that for later, because today is Sunday and it's my day :)

Now on to my Currently....

LISTENING: Does anyone else constantly have music playing in there house, or is it just me? I usually have country playing, but last night we played Phase Ten and were listening to a different radio station... I don't really like the "Black Widow" song... :)

LOVING: Is anyone else tired of the cold? I'm usually up for it, but we've had so many teases with snow that I'm ready for summer. I'm also ready for my short and tank top runs. This bundling up to run is for the birds... I hate it!

THINKING: Okay, so I am totally obsessed with Mama Laughlin on Instagram. That woman's body is IN-CRE-DIBLE! Not to mention that she's absolutely gorgeous! Go check her out.

WANTING: This year has been so challenging. I've felt like I have been in a funk all year long. I know it's the group of students I teach because I have never felt like this. I am hoping this warm weather will fix the funk. Being in a classroom all day while it's cold isn't any fun. It doesn't help that we can't seem to get a normal week in since January. I have some big plans in the future that I'm hoping will work out. I can't share right now, because I'm not sure how it IS going to work out.

NEEDING: Do I need to say more??

SPRING BREAK PLANS: Not much to say except... can it get here soon enough???
