Wednesday, July 1, 2015

July Currently

How in the world is it July already? I mean, I feel like I JUST got out of school a few weeks ago. Oh wait... I did! Our summer is super short this year because we started late. Our high school was pretty much getting an entirely new building this time last year. Boy are we paying for it now! I only have 4.5 weeks left.... NOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Oh well, time ticks on! Here's my currently!

When I had my boys and my first summer rolled around, I kind of wondered what to do with them. I wanted to spend time with them, but I also wanted a little time for myself. I felt guilty... like a bad mom... but then I got over it! Not only is it good to keep your kids on some type of schedule, but moms need their time, too! I send them two days a week. I use this time to work on resources, blog, and stay in touch with other bloggers. I'm not gonna lie when I say I may also use this time to lay on the couch and watch a few shows on Netflix. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH IT! Do I have to pay for it? YES! Is it worth it? YES! What will I do when my oldest starts kindergarten? I HAVE NOT IDEA!! I think that's when some summer camps will come into play. Moms, don't feel guilty! You deserve it :)

My sweet husband wanted me to have a new car... so I did! I mean, who turns that down? I never in my life thought I would purchase a Ford Explorer, but I love it! We also used this as an opportunity to talk to our boys about going to college, working hard, and getting to do and purchase nice things. Learning Experience!!

You read it... and I really don't want to talk about it. Is it just me or is this summer zooming by??

Oh how I want this! I live in a house full of boys, y'all! Everything I have gets touched, broken, drawn on, spilled on, peed on (not really), but you get the point! I need my own 'woman cave' if you will! And I need it BAD! This is a goal I have in the next 6 months. It may not be what I envision, but it will be something! Right now my current situation is the dining table. I have to move ALL my things every time we eat. It gets a little old! I've been eyeing this beautiful desk from Ikea for a while now.
Soon folks, soon!

I thank my heavenly father every day for taking care of my family and providing our essential needs. He is so good us, y'all. I'm not just talking about me here. He is good is us ALL! Don't ever forget to thank him for the many blessings he grants us each day. I am a spoiled child of God! Is my life perfect? NO! Have I had trials? YES! If anyone has, I have! Losing a child is a terrible grief to deal with, but his mercy and love endures forever. Don't dwell on the bad. Instead, focus on your small every day blessings! My outlook is... your life could be a lot worse!

All Star
Aren't we all All Stars in some way? I'm known for my creative problem solving skills. Whether it's scheduling, shopping, crafting, whatever! I'm going to think... and think... and think until I find a way. Even if it is buying that pretty little desk or a bundle of office supplies I don't need! LOL

There you have it! Go link up with Farley!



At July 1, 2015 at 9:14 AM , Blogger Lana said...

Hey! Thanks for commenting on my Currently post! We do have a lot in common. I teach 5th grade in GA as well! And my son will be starting Kindergarten this year - soooo bittersweet, isn't it?

At July 1, 2015 at 9:33 AM , Blogger Sarah Koves said...

Nope, no guilt here. I usually have the girls go to Mom and Dad's for a week, so I can do whatever I want. My favorite Mother's Day gift is hubby taking the girls out, so I can clean the house (and have it stay that way) and relax. Day camp is what you will need next year! I will have a high schooler...eek
I LOVE that desk. We took our desk out of our family room and banished it to the basement because it was becoming a catch all. I still have the basement bedroom to tackle this summer.
Kovescence of the Mind

At July 1, 2015 at 9:33 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Awesome! What part of Georgia? I teach in Madison County.

At July 1, 2015 at 9:34 AM , Blogger Yay for PreK! said...

Your blog is adorable! My kids are going to start a summer preschool next week, too. Two days a week for 3 hours, I think that it's going to be good for all of us! It's a long summer if you don't have any type of schedule. Enjoy your new car, we bought a 2015 Kia Sedona van in January. I LOVE it, but I DON'T love the new car payment :( Enjoy the rest of your summer!

At July 1, 2015 at 10:00 AM , Blogger Carrie H said...

Here's hoping you get that office space! Our own space is SO IMPORTANT!

At July 1, 2015 at 11:03 AM , Blogger Amber said...

I'm a new mom and I love my time with my son but I feel SO guilty sending him a few days a week during the summer. I love my time off as a teacher and really need that time to do blogging and social media and for me. Your post reminded me it is ok to take that time and not to feel guilty!


At July 1, 2015 at 6:45 PM , Blogger Sherrie said...

Do not feel one bit guilty about sending your boys to daycare. A happy relaxed mommy is so much better than a stressed mommy. I wish I could send my three boys to daycare, but unfortunately I can't because they are 9, 13, and16. LOL I feel like I spend my whole summer refereeing. Congrats on the new car. Have a great 4th of July!


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